
  • Canadisk Producent Vil Forsyne Danmark Med CBD og Cannabisprodukter

    I begyndelsen af september meddelte MediPharm, at de vil begynde at sende cannabiskoncentrerede produkter til Danmark. Dette er en del af en ny white label-aftale, som blev muliggjort takket være lovgivning, der blev godkendt i 2018, hvor der blev lanceret et pilotprogram, der muliggør brug af cannabisprodukter til medicinske formål i landet.

    Programmet vil vare fire år, og regeringen indsamler data om dets effektivitet. Når tiden er udløbet, træffes en beslutning om, hvorvidt brugen af ​​medicinsk marihuana skal fortsættes i Danmark eller forbydes igen.  På denne baggrund er det meningen, at MediPharm-aftalen kun skal vare to år med mulighed for at blive fornyet i fremtiden.

    Hvad går aftalen ud på?

    I en pressemeddelelse udtrykte MediPharms direktør Pat McCutcheon sin glæde over aftalen. ”Det udtrykkelige formål med at etablere en multi-jurisdiktionel, GMP-certificeret produktionskapacitet er at lede det globale cannabismarked med hensyn til applikationer i medicin, wellness og voksne,” sagde han. “Disse aftaler er endnu et skridt i retning af at realisere vores ambitioner.”

    MediPharm blev grundlagt i 2015 og har specialiseret sig i produktion og distribution af cannabisolie og koncentrater af farmaceutisk kvalitet samt avancerede derivater såsom CBD. Fra begyndelsen har virksomheden taget det ekstra skridt at certificere sine faciliteter for god fremstillingspraksis, hvilket gør deres produkter lovlige at distribuere i hele Europa. I dag ejer firmaet to GMP-godkendte faciliteter, MediPharm Labs Inc. og MediPharm Labs Australia Pty Ltd, som begge leverer cannabisprodukter til det danske marked.

    Distributionen foretages gennem to white-label-aftaler, den ene udløber om to år og den anden udløber om et år. Som tidligere nævnt kan begge fornyes i fremtiden.

    Med hensyn til hvad “white-label” betyder, henviser det til praksis i laboratorier, der sælger produkter uden mærkning. Dette giver de lokale distributører mulighed for at tilføje deres egne labels til produktet og sælge det under deres eget brand. Det er almindelig praksis i medicinalindustrien generelt, og det er meget populært på både cannabis-og CBD-medicinmarkedet.

    Disse stoffers juridiske status

    Cannabis er stadig ulovligt til rekreativt brug i Danmark. Der blev dog iværksat et fireårigt pilotprogram i januar 2018, som tillod brug af medicinsk marihuana hos patienter, som fik ordineret det af en læge. Loven tillader, at cannabis ordineres for alle tilstande, men i programretningslinjerne anbefales det at bruge det på fire områder: smerter forårsaget af multipel sklerose, smerter forårsaget af rygmarvsskader, bivirkninger fra kemoterapi og neuropatiske smerter.

    I mellemtiden er anvendelse af CBD lovlig i landet, så længe CBD er afledt af hamp og indeholder mindre end 0,2% af THC. Legaliteten skyldes, at selv om CBD kommer fra cannabisplanter, har det ingen berusende egenskaber. Hvis du vil vide mere om CBD og hvordan det virker, så besøg Cibdols Cbd-leksi

  • Why Sweden is in SERIOUS trouble

    According to the Swedish government, the Scandinavian country needs 10,000 more police officers to stop the catastrophic development in the country. Rape, violence, robberies, and murders have soared as more than a million migrants from primarily the Islamic world has been allowed into the formerly safe and orderly Sweden.

    According to the government’s plan, the many new police officers should be ready not later than 2024.

    But things are not going the way, the liberal and the self-proclaimed feministic government has planned.

    Too few

    Already in 2020, there should be 1,500 more police officers on the Swedish streets. But instead of increasing, the number of officers has decreased with 470, according to Swedish state tv SVT.

    The problem is, that more officers are leaving their jobs than it is possible to educate and hire new ones.

    Out of the 1020 places on the Swedish police academies in Spring 2020, only 651 of them are taken. It has not been possible to find enough qualified candidates.

    A spokesperson for the Swedish Police Lena Nitz says to SVT, that “the numbers are deeply troubling.”

    What now?

    If Sweden wants to reach the necessary capacity to handle the migrant crime and deport the countless thousands of illegals taking residence there, it probably will have to look for alternative solutions.

    One solution can be to lower the requirements for accessing the police academies. This could increase the risk of radical or criminal individuals infiltrating the force, just like it has happened in the police in Holland, and the French military.

    Another is to let the Swedish military assist the police, like the Islam critical, anti-migration party Swedish Democrats party has suggested. But would tie up a lot of the military’s capacity in a time, where NATO expects its partners to help deter Russian aggression.

    A third possibility is to ask for international help.

    Should NATO react?

    One question is, how long NATO should tolerate the security risk that the increasingly collapsed Swedish rule of law posses to neighboring NATO-members, Norway and Sweden.



  • Aalborg-virksomhed henter Hitman-stjerne til nyt computerspil

    Shadows that move in real time are an important part of Lightmatter, a new computer game that will be launched in January of the new year. Dynamic shadows place great demands on computer power, and to solve this challenge, Tunnel Vision Games, the developer of the game, in collaboration with the Alexandra Institute, has developed a new shadow solution that only updates the shadows that need to be updated. This has helped to accelerate the development of the game, and means that the game will be available on many more platforms, thus reaching many more players.

    Light and shadows are an important element of “Lightmatter”, a new computer game that will be released at the beginning of the new year. The Aalborg company Tunnel Vision Games is behind the game, which they have developed over the past three years. The game is a so-called puzzle game that takes place inside a mountain, and where the goal is to stay in the light and out of the shadows in order to progress through the game’s levels.

    “You have to imagine that the earth is toxic, just with shadows. If you step on a shadow, you die,” explains Philip Nymann, director of Tunnel Vision Games, which he started with four fellow students from Aalborg University back in 2013.

    The five fellow students are now partners in the company, which has also added two full-time employees. The Aalborg team has hired Danish-English actor David Bateson to voice the game. He has also voiced the Hitman series from IO Interactive.

    The game was originally started as a study project because the five students wanted to explore how shadows and light can be used as the driving force in a puzzle game. Here they developed a 15-minute prototype, which is now the precursor to the current “Lightmatter”. The prototype quickly received a lot of downloads and publicity. It was also nominated for best Show Case at the Danish Game Awards and best Student Game at the Unity Awards.

    Shadow solution improves game performance

    Shadows that move in real time are always expensive to render, as they are heavy to run on a computer, and even heavier for other platforms such as mobile, which typically have less computing power.

    This was precisely the challenge that Tunnel Vision Games faced, and they therefore had to find a solution that ensures that they can run with a stable framerate, and thus achieve better performance.

    They therefore tried to solve it themselves, but since they had neither the skills nor the time to familiarize themselves with it, they contacted the Alexandra Institute, who are experts in creating realistic shadows. They have previously helped Danish Playdead, which is behind successes such as “Inside” and “Limbo”.

    “We found that a lot of our shadows are static. We have been able to exploit this because it means that there is no need to calculate these shadows all the time. We have a solution where we can switch between the shadows that need to be calculated over and over again, and where we can reuse the shadows that have already been calculated,” explains Gustav Dahl, producer and programmer at Tunnel Vision Games.

    The new feature has helped to accelerate the workflow and has laid the foundation for the game to be released on other platforms such as consoles and mobile.

    According to Christian Heider Nielsen from the Alexandra Institute, the feature was not available in Unity, the game engine in which the game is built. In principle, the rendering technique used in the game is utilized:

    “In that technique, you create partial results that are combined into a final result just before it appears on the screen. Here, we chose to focus on the light sources where we already know the partial result in advance, because we have calculated it before. This means that we can reuse previous calculations.”

  • Exemptions for pesticides that threaten groundwater should be scrapped

    The Danish National Audit Office criticizes the authorities’ implementation of legislation on groundwater protection. The water sector is fighting to protect drinking water from pesticides and is calling on politicians to end a practice that challenges the precautionary principle.
    Pesticides can be banned if they leach into the groundwater. However, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency can subsequently administratively exempt and allow the use of the banned pesticides if it is assessed that they have an invaluable commercial interest. The water sector is now calling on politicians to dig into the practice and intervene.

    “It is crucial that the precautionary principle is put above commercial considerations so that the protection of groundwater is enforced effectively. It is no use having an advanced and expensive approval system that detects a pesticide that leaches into the groundwater and then is banned if it can then only obtain an exemption for years. It is the equivalent of buying a smoke alarm and dropping the battery,” says Director of DANVA, Carl-Emil Larsen.

    In 2012, the pesticide rimsulfuron was banned because it was found in the experimental fields that check whether substances leach into the groundwater. It also turned out that rimsulfuron has found its way into 50-year-old groundwater. However, since 2013, rimsulfuron has nevertheless been granted a dispensation by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.

    Susan Münster, CEO of Danske Vandværker, believes this is worrying:

    “We have seen a large number of findings of pesticide residues in the groundwater in recent years. These are the consequences of years of use of environmentally harmful substances. We appeal to politicians to follow up on the conclusions of the National Audit Office, so that substances that can leach into the groundwater will have a harder time obtaining a dispensation,” says Susan Münster.

    DANVA and Danske Vandværker are calling on the Minister of the Environment to tighten up the dispensation scheme by not allowing the application of prohibited pesticides in catchment areas and to notify water utilities in the event of a dispensation, which can be included in the analysis programs.

    Rimsulfuron is a herbicide used in potato cultivation. Since rimsulfuron was banned in 2012, sales have been increasing.

    The Danish Environmental Protection Agency’s justification for granting an exemption to allow the use of the banned substance, rimsulfuron, is that the agency believes there are no alternatives to it and that it will result in a yield loss for potato growers of 25 percent.

    However, the water sector is aware that losses can be minimized or completely avoided by using mechanical weed control in combination with other herbicides.

  • Europe’s leading gold-backed ETC Xetra-Gold now available in the Nordics

    Assets under custody of more than 200 tonnes of gold / Nordnet first broker to

    Deutsche Börse Commodities has launched Europe’s leading gold-backed exchange-traded commodity (ETC) Xetra-Gold (ISIN: DE000A0S9GB0) in the Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The first broker to offer Xetra-Gold is Nordnet. Further brokers will follow soon.

    Xetra-Gold is used by institutional and private investors to participate flexibly and cost-effectively in the development of the gold price. Each Xetra-Gold note grants the investor the right to the delivery of one gram of gold from the issuer or, if an investor is not permitted to take delivery of gold, to demand repayment of Xetra-Gold in cash at its repayment value.

    Just recently, gold holdings of Xetra-Gold have exceeded the 200-ton mark for the first time. This is an increase of approx. 20 tonnes since the beginning of the year. The assets under custody currently amount to 8.6 billion euros. Xetra-Gold is thus the leading European gold security with which the precious metal is also physically deposited. Gold holdings increase when investors buy Xetra-Gold shares via the stock markets.

    “We are very pleased to now also offer Xetra-Gold on the Nordic markets,” says Steffen Orben, Managing Director of Deutsche Börse Commodities GmbH, the issuer of Xetra-Gold. “Gold has developed into an independent asset class. Over recent years, we have seen a continuing demand for gold, which is coming both from institutional and private investors. More and more asset managers and family offices are also using gold to hedge their portfolios,” Orben continued.

    “We see a high demand among the private savers to invest in products that follow the development of the gold price. We are proud to be the first broker in the Nordics to launch Xetra-Gold”, says Martin Ringberg, Country Manager Sweden at Nordnet.

    Xetra-Gold is issued by Deutsche Börse Commodities GmbH, a joint venture of Deutsche Börse AG and Commerzbank AG, Deutsche Bank AG, DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank, B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. KGaA and Vontobel Beteiligungen AG. Umicore AG & Co. KG, a group subsidiary of Umicore S.A., is also involved.

  • Arla Foods Ingredients helps give consumers a taste for skyr

    Arla Foods Ingredients has developed a special protein ingredient for skyr, allowing manufacturers to deliver products that meet consumer preferences on taste, mouthfeel and appearance.

    Skyr is becoming increasingly popular with consumers – according to Nielsen, it has the potential to reach up to 25% of yoghurt volume sales in large dairy markets in Europe.

    A recent Arla Foods survey found that consumers across Europe welcome skyr as a novel alternative to yoghurt. It also showed that they want a smooth and creamy mouthfeel with less dryness, a balanced fresh flavor, and a shiny, homogeneous appearance. However, issues with poor creaminess, grainy texture, and sour taste have made it hard for skyr manufacturers to meet these needs.

    Nutrilac® YO-4575 from Arla Foods Ingredients is a natural whey protein ingredient specially developed to increase creamy mouthfeel in high-viscosity fermented products such as skyr. In a sensory evaluation focusing on taste, mouthfeel and appearance, skyr produced with Nutrilac® YO-4575 on a separator was found to match consumer preference more closely than a benchmark product.

    As well as delivering a smooth mouthfeel and a fresh taste with optimal sourness, the ingredient helps skyr meet expectations of texture. Measurements show that separated skyr formulated with Nutrilac® YO-4575 has a structure that is less firm and dense than a market reference product.

    Torben Jensen, Category Manager for Fresh Dairy Products at Arla Foods Ingredients, said: “Skyr is rapidly heading out of its niche and into the mainstream. However, manufacturers looking to capitalize on its huge potential need to be able to meet consumer preferences on flavor, texture, and appearance. Nutrilac® YO-4575 consistently delivers a creamy mouthfeel, optimum texture and fresh taste, allowing brands to satisfy consumer needs and unlock the full potential of skyr.”


    Danko Jones spiller Voxhall i Aarhus den 6. maj – billetudbyder ved den koncert er

    Danko Jones har dårligt nået at forlade Danmark, hvor han spillede i en udsolgt Royal Arena, før vi har fornøjelsen af at annoncere endnu et show med den flittige trio. Danko Jones har netop afsluttet en massiv turné med Volbeat og Baroness, der bød på 29 koncerter i 16 lande. Det er ikke første gang Volbeat og Danko Joness veje krydsedes. De to orkestre har tidligere turneret sammen i USA og Danko Jones synger med på Volbeats sang ”Black Rose”, der toppede den amerikanske Active Rock chart tilbage i 2016. Til maj vender den canadiske trio tilbage til Danmark og denne gang som hovednavn! Danko Jones udtaler:

    “We just finished our tour with Volbeat and can’t wait to come back to Denmark…so we are!!! Look out Denmark, we’re headed your way. Can’t wait to rock together.”

    Glæd dig til en aften med underholdende rock’n’roll fra Canadas hårdest arbejdende trio! Bandet udgav tidligere på året det højpotente album ”A Rock Supreme”, bandets 10. album siden deres debut for 23 år siden. Tjek nyeste single ”Fists Up High” HER

    Billetpriser: 210 kr. + gebyr

    Mulighed for at købe en Danko Jones – Meet & greet billet: Denne billet giver adgang til koncerten samt Meet & Greet med bandet 30 minutter før dørene åbner for almindelige publikummer.

    Der vil være mulighed for at shoppe merchandise samt at få signeret disse. M&G vil foregå 30 min. før dørene åbner, ca. 18.30

    Billetsalget starter onsdag 4. december kl. 09.00 via og 

  • Fredericia Theatre’s production of Disney’s Musical TARZAN reaches 100,000 tickets sold and is close to being sold out in Fredericia

    Tickets for Fredericia Teater’s production of Disney’s Musical TARZAN are still flying off the shelves, and the performance has now sold over 100,000 tickets. You should therefore hurry if you want to see the performance in Fredericia, where only 10% of the tickets are left. The critically acclaimed musical can be experienced until January 20, 2019 in Fredericia, before playing in Aarhus and Copenhagen later in the year.

    100,000 tickets have now been sold for Fredericia Teater’s production of Disney’s Musical TARZAN , which is almost sold out in Fredericia. There are only 10% of tickets left for the year’s best-reviewed musical, so you’ll have to hurry if you want to visit the jungle at Fredericia Teater. The performance runs until January 20, 2019, after which it can be experienced in Aarhus and Copenhagen later in the year.

    Theatre director Søren Møller is both excited and grateful that the audience continues to flock to the theatre:
    “Keep it up. 100,000 tickets only two months after the premiere! I am crazy with joy, gratitude and astonishment. But I also understand it very well. Tarzan is a performance in a special class, and I have honestly never seen anything like it.”

    Fredericia Theatre’s production of Disney’s Musical TARZAN can be experienced in Aarhus and Copenhagen later in 2019, where it will have its Aarhus premiere at Musikhuset Aarhus on September 21, 2019 and its Copenhagen premiere on November 29, 2019 in the newly renovated Scandic Falkoner Salen.

    Tickets for Fredericia and Copenhagen can be purchased via and . Tickets for Aarhus can be purchased via .

    Kind regards,
    Have Kommunikation, tel. 33 25 21 07

    Contact person:
    Peter Pishai Storgaard, email: [email protected] , mobile: 2849 3386
    Michael Feder, email: [email protected] , mobile: 2243 4942

    FACTS about Disney’s Musical TARZAN

    Fredericia Theatre:
    Performance period: 5 October 2018 – 20 January 2019 (Christmas holiday 23 December to 1 January)
    Tuesday-Friday at 7.30 pm (Friday 14 and 21 December also at 4.00 pm)
    Saturday-Sunday at 3.00 pm and 7.30 pm (no performances on Sunday 16 December)
    Monday 10 December at 7.30 pm

    Ticket prices: DKK 198 – 548 + fee. Weekends + DKK 50.
    Ticket booking: or / tel. 75 92 25 00 (75 92 25 60)

    Musikhuset Aarhus:
    Performance period: September 21, 2019 – October 6, 2019
    Tuesday-Friday at 8:00 PM
    Saturday at 3:00 PM and 8:00 PM (September 21 only at 8:00 PM)
    Sunday at 3:00 PM

    Ticket prices: DKK 145 – 675 + fee.
    Ticket booking:

    Scandic Falkoner:
    Performance period: November 29, 2019 – December 8, 2019
    Tuesday-Friday at 7:30 PM
    Saturday-Sunday at 3:00 PM and 7:30 PM

    Ticket prices: DKK 198 – 598 + fee. Weekends + DKK 50.
    Ticket booking: or / tel. 75 92 25 00 (75 92 25 60)


    • Tarzan: Kim Ace Nielsen
    • Jane: Bjørg Gamst
    • Kala: Maria Skuladottir
    • Terk: Diluckshan Jeyaratnam
    • Kerchak: Teit Samsø
    • Goalkeeper: Anders Bircow
    • Clayton/cover 2 Tarzan: Jacob Prüser
    • Snipes/Cover Porter/ensemble: Søren Bech Madsen
    • Tarzan’s mother/ensemble: Christina Ølgaard Thomsen
    • Tarzan’s father/ensemble: Martin Lindsten and Christoffer Møller
    • Young Tarzan: Esben Kjærsgaard Hjeresen and Arthur Ditlev Wadstrøm
    • Ung Terk: Albert Mahesh Witthoff Groth, Carl-Emil Krogh Nielsen and Kenneth Alrøe Okotle
    • Alternate Tarzan: Rune Høck Møller
    • Alternate Jane/Ensemble: Regina Sloth
    • Cover Kala/ensemble: Anne Fuglsig Nissen and Nanna Rossen
    • Dancers/acrobats: Jon Stage, Ida Frost, Ernestine Ruiz, Ka Kui Louis Wong, Sofie Akerø and Alex Otto
    • Dancers/ensemble: Lasse Dyg, Morten Daugaard, Patrick Terndrup, Patricia Tjørnelund, Giada Luciani and Linda Olofsson
    • Cover Terk/swing: Mathias Augustine
    • Cover Clayton/Snipes/Father: Frederick Brorson
    • Swing/ensemble: Tara Toya
    • Swings: Christine Sonnich Møller and Katrine Skovbo Jespersen
    • Acro-swings: Mille Gori and Conny Thur
    • Ensemble/stage service: Nanna Hjort Rossen, Matilde Zeuner Nielsen, Mikkel Emil Lynge Nielsen and Søren Torpegaard Lund

    The creative team

    • Director and co-choreographer: Lynne Kurdziel Formato
    • Production management: Bo Kudsk and Søren Hall
    • Aerial choreography and aerial direction: Christel Stjernebjerg and Sita Bhuller
    • Set designer: Kevin Depinet
    • Bandmasters: Thomas Møller and Martin Konge
    • Head of aerial design: Troels Frydensberg
    • Digital design: Thomas Agerholm, Jakob Eriksen and JAfilm
    • Sound design: Tim Høyer
    • Lighting design: Mike Holm and Martin Jensen
    • Costume design: Anna Juul Holm
    • Hair and make-up: Michael Skytte
    • Props: Jonas Vestergaard
    • Directors: Frey Olafsson and Matias Reher Nevel
    • Associate producer: Rob Hartmann
    • Creative producer: Søren Møller